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HomeCurrent Officers


San Antonio Mustang Club
Board of Directors/Club Officers (Elected)

Miguel A. Rosario, President/Chair

Cathy Nelson, Vice President

Nancy Tribby, Treasurer

Janis Rosario, Secretary

San Antonio Mustang Club
Board Of Directors (Appointed)

Traci Woeppel
Greg Polizzi


San Antonio Mustang Club Committee Members

Robert Carington, Mustang Club of America Representative

Robert Carington has been the Club Representative for years now and helps keep the club informed on MCA events and helps coordinate any news that may be useful.

Bea Kalinowski, Membership

Bea has graciously stepped forward to fill this vital position to keep track of and welcome members.

Steve Garcia, Webmaster

Steve has been instrumental guiding the club through our various web page designs and is a consummate professional in getting things done.

Regional MCA Representative
for SAMC

Tom Bader

Jerry Kalinowski, Historian

Jerry took over as Historian when Roy stepped down. Jerry documents all the events and activities the club participates in.

Cathy Nelson, Events

Cathy, a past President & current Vice President of this club, has an abiding interest in going to car shows to display her pride and joy, Bluebelle, her 2013 Mustang GT coupe.  Cathy has many activities planned for this year!  Look at the club calendar for continuous updates.