San Antonio Mustang Club
18018 Overlook Pkwy, Ste 150, PMB 221
San Antonio, TX 78259-1883
30 September 2024
1. The meeting for tonight is cancelled due to legal considerations.
There will be no further comment on this matter, from me or the
Board of Directors, as it is considered closed.
2. I regret the late notice. I will be at Matamoros Restaurant to-
night to meet anyone who doesn't receive notice of the cancellation.
3. Please come on out to the next regularly scheduled club meet-
ing on Wednesday, 08 January 2025, at 7:00 PM, at Matamoros
Restaurant & Cantina.
4. Be safe and have a Happy New Year!
Miguel A. Rosario
President ('23, '24)
(443) 253-3996
Supporting Victory